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January 2008 Archives

January 3, 2008

That Program's Got Balls.

I was writing an email to one of my colleagues today, wanting to ask if they had tested something. I wrote:

"Hey - did you give the new functionality a good set of testes in production yet?"

This is why, when you take Keyboarding in grade school, they teach you to look at the paper (when I learned, we learned on actual typewriters) instead of they keyboard. The real problem isn't the error, it's the fact that my muscle memory is so strong that it's nearly impossible for me to prevent myself from hitting the Send sequence the instant I complete the email.

January 7, 2008

Objective C

I started to learn Objective C yesterday. Is this an enormous waste of my time? Possibly. Certainly no more of a waste than playing and completing Portal, however (this, by the way, was pretty stinking awesome. Even if I had to install CrossOver on Allison's computer, then download Steam, and then buy the entire Orange Box since I'm clearly not capable of restraining myself from buying a game I can't play on my own computer).

Anyway, Objective C. What I've learned so far is that it's going to take me a very long time to get used to typing:

Fraction *frac = [[Fraction alloc] init];

To get an instance of an object. To say nothing of using Interface Builder to put together a UI! Ah well, gotta have something to do I guess.

January 9, 2008

Reduce, Reuse, Retarted

This post is on behalf of Allison, who had a funny experience today.

She went to Macy's today, since she fancied buying some of the jewelry that she designed, and a wrap to wear in the office. After having bought some of her own intellectual property, on her way out of the store, a tote bag caught her eye. She, like so many of the fairer sex, has a thing for tote bags (I don't really know what it's all about, but chicks totally dig them. Except, I'll have you know, for Valentines Day gifts. Which is something else I don't understand. If you like a thing, why wouldn't you like it for any major holiday? They don't have to make sense. They just have to be loved).

So, having seen a tote bag that she liked, she did the logical thing and bought it. Even though she was already carrying at least two bags (containing, if you'll recall, some of the fruits of her own design and a wrap), they thought it worthwhile to put the tote bag into a plastic bag.

The plastic bag, however was not going to be enough protection for the totebag, and the situation clearly required a large shopping bag in which to place the plastic bag. Giving us the following sequence:

Note please, if you will, the text on the totebag:

Use Me
Again and Again and Again
I'm used to it

See, it's one of those green tote bags that you're supposed to use to reduce consumption. What a country!

January 10, 2008

Evidentally, It Is

My new site just went live.


For all of your "I wonder if it's a leap year" needs.


Looks like somebody did something to replace that travesty of a library manager for the Sony eBook Readerlibprs500 – Trac has builds for Windows, Linux, and Mac. It can modify metadata! For things that aren't .pdfs! Can't seem to do it once the files are deployed to the reader, but it can do it inside the library and *then* move it to the reader. This is great!

I'm very excited to go through my library and tag everything correctly. Thanks, guy!

January 14, 2008

10 Days Later

I think I mentioned before about how I indulged in a little bit of internet stalking of someone who facebook'd me. As part of that effort, I signed up a fake account on Classmates.com. More the fool me.

They've sent a bunch of spam to the mail account that I used to sign up with them, so I decided to take the 5 seconds to unsubscribe. When I clicked the link to do so, I saw this:

Please allow up to 10 days for changes to your subscriptions to take effect.

Really guys? Ten days? What, when I click that Update button, does it kick off an automated process which sends an email to a monk who has to illuminate the first word of a missive on parchment that's sent by courier to the guy who hand-updates the flat text file where all the Classmates.com email addresses are sent? Honestly.

January 18, 2008

Brief Reminder

Most of the time, I wonder why I I keep Kotaku in my RSS feed. I only have a Wii, and reading about the incredible awesomeness available to me on the XBox360 or PS3 just makes me feel bad about myself.

And then I'll find something like thisPortal Theme On Classic Computer, and I'm reminded of why treading through 50 posts about the next Call of Duty release is worth it.

Oh, also this.

January 20, 2008

Dolphin Movie

I just wanted to post this before it got linked on cuteoverload.

Dolphin Play Bubble Rings - The most popular videos are here

This is kind of ridiculous.

January 22, 2008

Honing Your Ball Busting Skillz

Because I am a big loser with nothing to do ever, I watched the first season of Entourage this weekend. It was pretty good. I had a number of laugh out loud moments, which I don't often get watching any television show that does not star Phillip J. Frye. Obviously the reason to watch this (other than the leggy LA women in every single scene) is to listen to the interaction of the four guys.

By "interaction" I mean, of course, "Olympic-level ball busting." I watch Entourage with the same mix of admiration and jealousy that I watch all those Seth Rogan movies (40-Year Old Virgin, Superbad, etc). It's like hanging out with my friends, but if each of my friends had a staff writer who supplied them with zings and burns. Really impressive stuff.

I watched it on the recommendation of one particular friend of mine, who's skill at linguistic douchebaggery has noticeably improved (or at least have become more effective). I really feel a need to step up my verbal abuse. Next season, I'm going to watch with a pad so I can take notes of their technique. Also, I'm calling Neil "Dooby Drama" from now on.

January 23, 2008

Oh, Odie.

I've spent a fair amount of time on the internet. Definitely more than the average person. I'm probably more than 2 sigmas out, if I"m going to be perfectly honest. I spend a lot of time logged on. So I feel like I'm coming from a place of some experience when I say that this website of live-action reproductions of Garfield comics followed by music videos composed of scenes from the 30 seconds that just preceded it is the awesomest thing on the entire internet.

Pay special attention to Right Now, and compare it to the original Van Halen song.

January 28, 2008

Super Friends

Again, this is more Seans milieu than mine (seeing as how he is both the comic book guy, and the biggest fan of Friends that I know), but I'm posting it anyway. This was pretty awesome for the first couple of minutes.

Of course, after a bit that visceral hatred of that show does seep through, sucking all that is good out of the world. But still, really funny intro.

January 30, 2008

I don't believe it

I don't believe this for a minute.

About January 2008

This page contains all entries posted to Kennyblog Redux in January 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

December 2007 is the previous archive.

February 2008 is the next archive.

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