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This is where I live

Relatively recently (in the last six months or so), the security at my co-op has either changed companies or just massively changed who is working for them. They used to be fairly personable, interested individuals most of whom had at least a smile for you, if not (shock and awe!) a hello as you walked in the door.

These days for the most part they are, by and large, a grumpy bunch and no pleasure to see as I'm walking in the building. Not a big deal - even the nice ones were fairly useless (they didn't accept packages, which is pretty much the only reason I see to have a doorman. Well, that and keep out the ne'er-do-wells, which I'll assume they're doing effectively. So we'll grade them a C-). So it's been a slight decrease in the quality of service, but not a serious one since I never really chatted with the nice guys.

The 'buzzing you in' frequency has been pretty erratic ever since the switch. Sometimes they'll buzz you, sometimes they won't. Sometimes they wait until your key is out and in the door. Sometimes they are watching a DVD and don't see you until you walk past them. And it's been less and less frequent as time goes on. I guess something official came down from the management office, since I found a sign on the door as I was walking in:


Now, I was a little embarrassed to see this on the main entrance to my building. But it's not a big deal - everyone makes mistakes. And I wasn't going to say anything about it or the security guards, but I found this on the side door of the building today:



I'm going to take a sharpie on my way out tomorrow and fix those.


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