There was a dark time in my life, right before the release of the last Lord of the Rings movie, when I realized I might not have anything to look forward to ever again. When was it announced - sometime in 1999? From that point, to the day before my first viewing of The Return of the King in mid December 2003, I was SO psyched, and looked forward to each movie like I used to look forward to Christmas morning.
And then they ran out the trilogy (which, by the way, completely lived up to my completely unreasonable expectations), and I had nothing to look forward to anymore. Spiderman? I tried, but it wasn't nearly the same. Superman? Meh. My life was a dark place, interrupted by small flashes of light from the medals on Admiral Adama's chest and the the explosion to open the hatch.
But I have found something to fill that void, at least until end of November. More information about the Futurama movies has been released. So huge! Evidentially the first episode will concern, at least in part, "the secret to time travel which is somehow attached to Fry's buttock." I'm glad to see that they are keeping true to the spirit of the original episodes.