I have a bunch of new albums in my listen queue (evidentally there's a new Radiohead out there, some albums that a friend of mine from work lent me who's names I can't recall right now, a Peanut Butter Wolf album that I've been looking forward to picking up when it was first released in 2005). But today I'm setting aside to appreciate the past. There's a whole lot of albums out there that, when I first started listening to them, I played them to death. Just killed the hell out of them. For a couple, I was aware that I was doing it at the time, but I didn't care.
After a week or two of overplaying that album, I would be sick of it, and put it down never to be listened to again. Today I'm taking the opportunity to go back and listen to a bunch of them. Just once.
I expect it to be a good day. I actually think I'll just dump all of them in an On-The-Go playlist and run right through.