So, this is annoying. If you follow this blog via RSS, you've probably noted that the formatting is a travesty, what with there not being any line breaks being inserted. Makes reading it somewhat difficult. I'm trying to get this working properly, but am having a tougher time than I expect.
I have found, however, that the Atom feed works properly. Oddly enough, it only works when it's called atom.xml. I can't just have the atom feed generated with the name index.xml and have that work. Of course not, because that wouldn't be a pain in the ass.
So, again, if you are following this via RSS, I suggest you use the following link:
This will not suck, I assure you. I'm going to continue generating the old feed, of course, so you won't break. But I strongly suggest switching. Oh, and if you know Moveable Type real well and want to give a brother a hand, please do leave a comment for me.
Oh, and just so this post isn't completely worthless:
LOLCTHULHU (I has a non-euclidean geometry: Le me show you)
Update: Actually, the index.xml appears to be working now. I don't know why. I know it's annoying, though!