How embarrassing is this? My wife gets herself a tumblog, and in the first two days has put up more posts than I've put up this entire fiscal quarter. Such a disaster.
I'm actually really psyched about it. She makes me laugh all the time, but I don't get nearly enough of the laughing when I'm at work. With any luck, soon she'll be shirking her work responsibilities to blog about the most recent icanhascheezburger pictures, and I will use this as a focal point for my shirking workly duties.
Also, since she'll be following her tumblog dashboard, she will be able to keep up with Arin, Ben, Jeremy, and Joshy, and will therefore know what I'm talking about when I refer to chicken shit punch, or Joshy's basketbear.
Also, how am I supposed to deal with multiple blogs? Have this one for long form, and the tumblog for linking videos of Filipino prisoners rehearsing Thriller?