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All Too Flat Puzzle Contest Results!
Well, all of the entries have been reviewed, and we have chosen a winner from the correct entries.


Congratulations to Reverend Ted from College Station, TX! It's an honor to have such a great mind as his working on a problem we posed to the All Too Flat viewing public. His dedication, not only to the travails of logic but also the noble aristocratic art of wasting time, is an inspiration to all of us here at ATF. Ted, we salute thee!

Ted will be receiving his ATF contest winner T-shirt (a one-of-a-kind piece, designed by the finest minds at our organization) shortly. In the meantime, he can revel in the knowledge that he, above all the other impressive competitors, was deemed worthy enough to be chosen at random by our computers.


Immediately below, we provide the correct answers to the puzzle. Interestingly enough, no one at alltooflat really has any idea how hard the puzzle was. Even though we wrote it, no one around here took the time to actually work through it. To be honest, we're pretty psyched that the puzzle was able to be completed at all.

Person Home Language Gadget CafePress Item Favorite Number
Parmesan Geeky Delphi Aibo T-shirt Na
Gingy Serious Perl Elph Sweatshirt c^2
Bumblesneer Pranks Flash i300 Hat 23
Monkey Store HTML Projector Boxers j
Horseradish Tree Funny .NET Treo Mug Pi
Eric About c++ ipod Mousepad e

The total number of entries recieved in the contest was 18. Out of these 18 entries a large portion were incorrect, which made the odds of winning 1 in 8*. Which isn't so far off from our original estimate of 1 in 3. We at ATF would like to thank everyone who submitted entries, and want to invite you all to join in our next contest which should be released sometime in September.

The ATF Logic Puzzle was developed using dfclogic, a shareware program from D. F. Curran Productions. It really rocks. You should use it to write a funny logic puzzle, and email kennyb about it.

* Just as a side note, three entries were randomly selected before we reached Teds name. Unfortunately, these first three submissions had incorrect solutions. I believe we should all take this as a reminder to check our work before handing it in.


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