Amazing Text Fun Game Engine
All Too Flat Writing Contest
Announcing the All Too Flat Writing Contest! The rules are simple (and somewhat open ended). Write a song or poem about or inspired by All Too Flat. That's it! Your creativity is the limit. Congratulations to Bill from West Virginia. He thought of this contest to win the Contest Contest

  • A free special edition All Too Flat Contest Winner T-Shirt!
  • The ATF triumverate will perform your song / poem at our next poetry reading in New York City!
  • The Challenge
    Write a song or poem about or inspired by All Too Flat. I realize this is just repeating the above section, but I didn't have anything else to say in the "Challenge" section.

    The requirements are simple:
  • Write a song or poem
  • Submitting an Entry
  • Send all entries to You must include your name and a valid e-mail address so we may contact you if you win!
  • You may enter as many times as you like
  • Employees of All Too Flat are not eligable (sucks for us!)
  • Entries must be received by 11:59pm EST, June 15, 2002
  • Hints
  • Yo. Make it funny. That's definitely going to give you an advantage.
  • Song parodies are easy and can be pretty funny too (think Weird Al or Mathematical Pi)
  • You'll lose major points if your poetic form is wrong (i.e. your Elizabethan sonnet does not end in a rhyming couplet)
  • Here are some example song titles to get you started
    • Ode to Gingy the Fish
    • Cheesus Christ Superstar
    • The Name Game (with every name on every Help Me Name My)
    • A parody of the Hurricane about the lion
  • Songs inspired by All Too Flat are okay too, such as Geeks Just Wanna Have Fun

    See the results of the Contest Contest

  • Fine Print: ATF reserves the right to do anything they want with the entries. Once you submit an entry to us, we own you. We also swear that this contest is not fixed by some organized McDonald's Crime Ring and you DO have a chance of winning. Odds depend on the number of entries recieved, but our estimate is around 1 in 3.
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