Now you can get all your ATF updates through our new RSS feed! The ATF RSS feed will update you about any new content, such as the daily rant, new reader polls, kennyblog entries, and Ask The Fish. A separate RSS feed is also available for Seanblog. Just point your RSS aggregator to our RSS feeds and you'll be the first on your block to know about any ATF updates. Here are the feeds that are available:
 | All Too Flat - What's new, Daily Rant, Poll, Kennyblog, Ask The Fish |
 | Seanblog - Your source for free-form Collins |
 | The Outbreak - AKA Seanblog II |
What is RSS?
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) is a web format designed for sharing web content that is updated frequently, such as news articles and blogs. An RSS feed consists of a list of items, with each item containing a headline, a description, and a link to the update or article.
How do I use RSS?
To use RSS, you need a program called an RSS aggregator (or RSS news reader) which collects and keeps tracks of all of the RSS feeds to which you're subscribed. The great part about using an RSS reader is that it puts everything into a single program, so you can keep track of the news, read your favorite blog, and view website updates all in the same place. It's a lot like checking your email (and we all know how much you do that). There are a lot of RSS readers out there, so you'll just have to google them for your specific platform. There are also online RSS readers which are pretty good too.