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All Too Flat Puzzle Contest Results!
Well, all of the entries have been reviewed, and we have chosen a winner from the entries.


Congratulations to J.D. from Canby, Oregon. It's an honor to have such a great mind work on our crossword puzzle. Hooowah!

J.D. will be receiving his ATF contest winner T-shirt (a one-of-a-kind piece, designed by the finest minds at our organization) shortly. In the meantime, he can revel in the knowledge that he, above all the other impressive competitors, could fill in the blanks better than everybody else. As a side prize, he also gets a link from this page to his website,


So you couldn't get that one clue? Okay, okay, we won't leave you hanging. Below is the answer grid for the crossword puzzle. Too be honest, we know that this puzzle is pretty hard and when you see these answers you're probably going to send us tons of flames about how "merke" doesn't make sense. (Here is the actual crossword puzzle).

The total number of entries recieved in the contest was 2, making the odds of winning 1 in 2*. Which isn't so far off from our original estimate of 1 in 3. We at ATF would like to thank everyone who submitted entries, and want to invite you all to join in our next contest which should be released soon.

The ATF Crossword Puzzle was developed using Crossdown, a great program written by Sam Bellotto Jr. that helps with laying out and managing a crossword puzzle. We also used a nifty page that looks up words given the position of certain letters. That one was really useful. Oh yeah, and as always, Google came up really huge.

* Well actually we were off by 50%, but in our defense 2 is really close to 3.


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