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Alternative Domain Names
Basically, trying to get a good domain name on the internet is a complete travesty. We spent many hours brainstorming ideas; only to find that most of the names had already been taken. We must have thought of over two hundred domain names. Here is a list of the ones that were available (as of September 2001):

intellisloth.com offtheteam.com quicksloth.com
bootville.com bonzi.com jedibowler.com
zenbowling.com gothsloth.com cockeyed2.com
notsohuge.com prettyhuge.com carpaltunnel.com
punkymonkey.com alltooflat.com plowwoman.com
shroomy.com thisfuckingguy.com extraarms.com
solongago.com pocketofpork.com curvyruler.com
rubberbaby.com salsacap.com lovebat.com
hungrybear.com goldendork.com fancywalking.com
combofthebrave.com gloveoflove.com lowestdog.com
notforanything.com mindifidoaj.com fishcrossing.com
pompadour.com slothcloth.com slothomellette.com
runnybunny.com inappropriatesloth.com nihilstyle.com
paradiseslothed.com pokeanose.com polkanose.com
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