Every once in a while we come up with something funny to post on this website, but it really doens't have a good home. Either it doesn't fit into any of our categories or is too brief to make into its own section. You know- it's always something.

With that said, welcome to /atf/etc/, the home of miscellaneous content on All Too Flat. I guess you could make a good argument that all of the content on ATF is fairly miscellaneous. To which I would respond: I am filtering all your e-mail to the trash from now on. Also, it was kind of unclear where to put this section as well- the content within will be funny, serious and geeky. But I think the section's title dictates its home.

Anyway, without further ado, here is some random content:

  • Alt Text Flat - alttexts from years past
  • All Too Flat social network
  • All Too Flat Wallpaper collection
  • Salt and Pepper Piggies
  • Bobble-Head Alex "A-Rod" Rodriguez's head on a cornish hen
  • Fantasy Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2004
  • All Too Flat Suggest
  • Transcription of a funny conversation with Andy
  • Real-life Where's Waldo
  • All Too Flat Mobile (ATFm)
  • All Too Flat Nokia Ring Tone (Note: Right click and save to disk. You have to have a Nokia phone and the correct software and/or hardware to transfer rings to your phone. We do not provide support for this. Please visit Nokring for more information on doing this.)
  • Listen to the ATF Nokia Ring. Wow!
  • Funny Google Searches that Direct People to All Too Flat
  • How Much Inside
  • Join All Too Flat now!
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