We spend a lot of time reading our weblogs. You know, the pages that say who came to our site and how they got there. Mostly because we are really full of ourselves. Anyway, the routes people take to get to All Too Flat are unbelievable! This page is simply an ongoing list of the most common and ridiculous search terms people enter in search engines to come to ATF.
Anyway, without further ado, here are some Google Keyword searches:
elgoog (by far the most popular search)
iambic pentameter (surprisingly large number of these)
google mirror
cartoon boobies (lots of these)
flat boobies
funny geeky shit
mardi gras flashing (we get lots similar this one)
"sucks donkey doo"
"screw your courage to the sticking place and we will not fail"
ladies with huge boobies
topiary porn (proud to be the first hit for this one!)
serious number rubber chickens
girls gone wild
pranks AND k-mart
pierced chicks
interesting fact (this one is cool too)
free immortality rings
huge halibut
poetry stein (gertrude stein, eat your heart out!)
helper monkey
"What comes after a terabyte" (possibly the only useful thing on our site)
kobe bryant 7up
cheese bible (We're #1 for this one! I wonder if the authors of the "Cheese Bible" reference book are pissed?)
cheese puns