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Amazing Text Fun!

Do you fondly recall hours upon hours of Zork or Adventure in Humongous Cave? Does hearing the word "Grue" result in a welling up of emotion (mostly frustration)? Can you run down the proper action sequence for all of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy from memory?

Well then you are probably a huge geek. But that's ok, so are we. Welcome home.

In fact, the programming team at ATF has decided that it's time for "interactive fiction" to get a much-needed shot in the arm. Games today are too full of imagery, animation, and action. All of this really draws away from the most important aspects of a game: the plot and the challenge. In order to effect change, we've written a game engine for text-based games. What's a game engine, you ask? Well it's interpreter for a game: A game developer writes a game with certain rules and behaviors, and the game engine decodes that game and presents it to you, the player! No more pictures, no more motion; just you, your keyboard, and the game.

Our interactive fiction game engine (the Amazing Text Fun engine) has recently reached it's primary release (ATFun 1.0), and we want to share it with our public.

- Get the latest version of the engine executable, engine source code files, and the Amazing Text Fun Game Editor!

- All of the games available for the ATF game engine.

- Helpful documents and links on topics like playing Interactive Fiction Games and developing for the ATFun engine.

- Some of the boring information that I felt like I had to share with the group.

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