Mousie Adventures
This is a transcript of a recent email trialogue between Ben, Ton, and Kennyb:
From: Benjamin Stein
To: Antoni Chan
CC: Kenneth Bromberg
Subject: Mouse 1, Ben 0
So I've been fighting a mousie in my apartment. This is number 3. I figured out where his 2nd home is and I decided to booby-trap it. I put a glue-trap (They've been working for me up until now. I don't trust the spring traps to catch them all the time) right outside his home with a chicken bone.

I'll get the little pisser.

So I turned off the lights in the kitchen and waited for it to get dark.

I'm sitting at the computer and I hear a noise. I look down the hall and there a fucking mousie running down the hall into the living rooms carrying a god damn chicken bone in his mouth! What a little fucker! He took the whole bone from the OTHER SIDE of the trap and carried it behind my heater in the living room. I'm so pissed!

From: Antoni Chan
To: Benjamin Stein
CC: Kenneth Bromberg
Subject: re: Mouse 1, Ben 0

More importantly, are you taking pictures?!?!?

From: Benjamin Stein
To: Antoni Chan
CC: Kenneth Bromberg
Subject: re: Mouse 1, Ben 0

sigh. i wish i was taking picture. but he's really quick! in the meantime, picture an empty mousetrap.
i hate this fucking mousie.

From: Antoni Chan
To: Benjamin Stein
CC: Kenneth Bromberg
Subject: re: Mouse 1, Ben 0

Maybe if you put your fancy microsoft mouse next to the glue trap, it'll come and try to mate.

From: Benjamin Stein
To: Antoni Chan
CC: Kenneth Bromberg
Subject: re: Mouse 1, Ben 0

right. just what I need is for this asshat mousie to run off down the hall with my expensive intellimouse explorer like he did with my chicken bone!

From: Kenneth Bromberg
To: Benjamin Stein
CC: Antoni Chan
Subject: re: Mouse 1, Ben 0

Can I quote this entire thing in the blog?
Or do you want to save it for a rant?

From: Benjamin Stein
To: Kenneth Bromberg
CC: Antoni Chan
Subject: re: Mouse 1, Ben 0

wait and see. if i get a nice picture of this little asshat mousie then i might make a whole nice page dedicated to him.
shhh. i hear him!

Day 2
From: Benjamin Stein
To: Kenneth Bromberg
CC: Antoni Chan
Subject: re: Mouse 1, Ben 0

I should have poisoned the chicken bone when I had a chance.

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