Ask the Fish
Benjamin Stein
Hi. This is me:
ben stein
ben stein

And this is my girl (I got really lucky with this one):
arin kramer
arin kramer
She's cute, no?

Here is Benjamin Stein's blog and personal web site.

And here is the Ben Stein geeky blog.

And here is a vegetable platter I made once:

And here is an animated .gif of me rolling a strike: (click to view)

And here is a nice picture of me at Seneca Lake: (click for full image)

And this is a page dedicated to something I don't like to eat

I work at Mobile Commons and I write at Mobile Giving Insider

And this is a website you should go to when you don't know what you should get. What Should I Get. For example, if you want a digital camera, you could go here to figure out what camera should i get?. And if you want to know what speakers to get, you could use this to determine what speakers should i get? Get it?

And this is what I want to do when I grow up:

But in the meantime, here's what I do until I make my big break in the NBA:

Go Gators!

My company just launched a new video search application called GroundhogTV. Check out it out!

And here are some other web sites I have worked on. These I made in high school, which was back in 1995. I bet you didn't even know what the internet was back then! That was before the internet was on computers even!

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