This is me:
I like to do things.
I like ultimate. Sometimes we play at night.
I like bowling. One day I was in the zone. I started out with a
265, followed by a 190 and
a 180, for a 3-game series of 635!
I like to play music.
I play piano, violin, guitar, bass, and I want to learn a wind instrument. I'm currently in an 80's cover band called the "Trickledowns." We play mostly fun dance parties...y'know, a little White Snake, some Proclaimers, Soft Cell, Tom Petty, Cure, and the Buggles.
I used to play bass in Agent Double Oh Zero, a skapunk band.
We cut a CD in Spring'01 and you can buy it from
We used to play in Ithaca, NY and in New York City.
I was also in Pubic Enema, a
little known band that existed for a few weeks in January'99. We
recorded such hits as "Plow Woman" and "Bill the Cat". Okay, it was just me and some friends messing around during winter break...
If you like songs about nerdy things, Ken Ferrier and I wrote two song parodies called, "Mathematical Pi" and "Sound of Friction".
"Mathematical Pi" is a parody of the Don McLean's classic "American Pie." It's a great way
to learn the digits of pi to 29 decimal places!
If you'd like to sing along, here are the lyrics to Mathematical Pi. (New! Watch the Mathematical Pi Music Video by Stephen Toner)
The "Sound of Friction" is a parody of the "Sound of Silence," and discusses a friction problem involving an inclined plane, a fish, and a block of spam (lyrics). Ken and I also wrote a song about the refreshing properties of milk. It's called The Milk Song (now with 50% more witty banter!).
I like cats. Here are some pictures of my cat, Milo. He likes to meow. Sometimes I call him Meow Tse Tung and then sing the Mao lighter song.
I like pictures. Here's a panorama from Twin Peaks in San Francisco. That's Ken and Kate on the left and Ben on the right (attempting to skip rocks):

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And here's a panorama of Seneca Lake in Upstate New York:

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Here's a panorama of La Jolla Shores from the Birch Aquarium in San Diego.
Here's a panorama of the San Clemente Canyon Park next to my apartment.
I also do some serious things:
And of course, there's All Too Flat. I like doing that too.
Last Update: 08-28-2004