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Durn 21st Century!
Can't juggle or scratch.
I can't even mix the beats.
Needles wreck CDs.

That Fucking Guy I
You've seen this guys belt.
Two beepers, a ring of keys,
Cell phone, Leatherman.

That Fucking Guy II
There's some other guy,
I think he works in IT.
And he smells funny

Rave Girls Don't Like Me
Would some bigger pants
make me more acceptable?
Perhaps some glow sticks.

Saturday Defensive Driving Course
I've been here two hours.
Still have at least four to go.
Please, oh god, kill me.

Living in my parent's house
Still no apartment
Me, I blame New York City
Fuck everything.

Quién es su papá?
Var equals tilde
T R slash this slash that
I made Perl my bitch.

9:17 every day
Mornings on the train
I spout hip-hop like no thang.
No one sits near me.

Fantasy baseball
Get my ass kicked again.
God how I hate sports.

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